Why Israel? Well for me, I was more interested in Africa as I had been there before, but my husband, Simon has been interested in Israel. So when our youth pastor Kevin started talking about Israel, Simon and I both became interested and we had the money available. I had no idea what it would be like and honestly didn’t give it too much thought other than I just had to go.
Israel taught me many things, and for me revived my spirit. When I left for Israel I hadn’t been walking with God very well, I hardly read my bible or prayed. I wanted to get right with God, but I guess I didn’t really know where to start, so I didn’t try.
The trip through Israel was just one amazing place after another. You would arrive at an ancient ruin going, “yeah this is cool,” and then our guide Tom would tell us the significance of a site. After that it was no longer just a “ruin,” but a bible story I could see coming to life right before my eyes!! I can’t list a favourite place or time in Israel. I rededicated my life to God in the Jordan River, and that was pretty amazing, but I think that a deepened relationship with both God and my husband would be my true highlight. If that is all I left Israel with I would have been happy, but God did so much more.
I have a new understanding of the issues the Jewish people face, and how I can love them and support them, and that many Christians believe that the promises God made to Israel now belong to the Church, not to the Jews. The Jews face many different kinds of battles (people that want them dead, and then people who believe that they are no longer God’s chosen people), and if you want to learn how you can stand with God’s people, as he asks of us, then Zealous 8:2 is a great way to do it!
When I started out I think my heart and spirit looked somewhat like the hard, cracked mud that I saw up on MountBeatitude. Now I feel refreshed and I just really want to live with God, for God and through God! If you are thinking about Israel, don’t say “if” say “WHEN!” I think it will change your life, and once you’ve been, you will definitely want to go again. So take a heart that is willing to listen and learn, and see what wonders God wants to show you, because I guarantee he will!
Well, were do I start? The whole experience was "the boom", meaning awesome!
Honestly, being a black African from South Africa I never thought I would manage for two weeks with other people from a different race, especially white, and survive! Guess what?! I did not survive - I enjoyed it more than I ever imagined. I experienced what is called the unconditional love of Christ, which crosses all boundaries and race. I found myself so free and open minded about a lot of things that I never knew or asked about before. This was truly a life changing experience!
The bible came alive like never before in my life. I can go on and on but, the highlight for me was the way God dealt with the racial differences and He, Himself made us one and united. From now on I am very free around every race because of Zealous8:2 2010 Jan. :)
I have friends in Australia, USA, Japan and Israel. What more can a person ask for in only two weeks! :-)