Zealous 8:2 Experience

Hey! I’m Emily. I am a 21 year old American who got on a plane and headed for Israel for the first time! Most people thought I was nuts, but God provided in every way possible! I have been serving with a ministry the last few years in South Africa when I felt God calling me to a new land; I was not sure how to react. I just knew I had to go. This is my first time volunteering for Bridges for Peace, in Israel, and my first time helping with the Zealous8:2 Tour. It has been nothing, but a blessing!

Stepping away from my plans for my life and following the plans of God for my life, by taking part in the leadership for Zealous 8:2 Tour is something that I will never regret. This tour not only brings the Bible to life, but brings mentorship, education, discipleship, and one into a deeper relationship with God. It is amazing! There are so many memories that will last me a life time. There are so many experiences that have changed my life forever.

Walking on the shore and sailing on the Sea of Galilee will be an experience I will never forget.

Peter is one of my favorite people in the Bible. So many times I have read about Peter in the Bible and how he had the faith to climb out of a boat and walk on water to the Lord. So many times, I have read how he denied Christ three times, but came to a point of repentance, and how the Lord used him after that. So many times, I have read about Jesus calling to his disciples, after he had risen, to toss their nets into the Sea of Galilee to show it was Him. I was speechless standing on the shores of the Galilee. Standing there I felt like Peter. Although I have messed up many times, I could feel God calling me; calling me by name and asking me the same question he asked Peter. This will be a moment in time I will never forget.

Yes, the site seeing was amazing, and everything I learned was astonishing. And, the new friendships developed from different countries are great, but taking part in the work project was a passion coming to life.

Serving in the community in Israel was a highlight for me. There were two different work projects happening at the same time. My-self and many others spent all day in the Ethiopian Jewish community.

We helped to fix up the community center that reaches out to many people in the neighborhood. We repainted the inside of the building, worked in the garden, cleaned up trash that was left, and loved on the local kids in the community. It is always a blessing to reach out and help where ever help is needed, because you experience God and the life of Israel in such a different and new way.

The Zealous 8:2 Tour is a tour that has impacted my life in words I can hardly explain. These few examples I have shared with you were just the beginning of life changing experiences for me. It has been a blessing to volunteer with Bridges for Peace and the January 2010, Zealous 8:2 Tour!

Shalom- Emily

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